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Virtual Power Plant for trading flexibility

Our Virtual Power Plant

for flexibility trading from large portfolios

Our Virtual Power Plant enables numerous applications and business models with distributed energy resources. This includes trading flexibilities by connecting solar and wind parks with other power generation technologies (biogas, hydropower, conventional power plants), storage systems and energy consumers.

By adding dispatchable generators, storage and variable loads, flexibilities are raised that can be traded on day-ahead and intraday markets or used for demand side management applications.

As a smart control room, the Virtual Power Plant supports you in utilizing your flexibilities by optimally orchestrating production, storage and consumption processes of all connected units.

Project examples

Virtual power plant for marketing of flexibility from biogas plants

The Swiss electricity provider uses our Virtual Power Plant to aggregate biogas plants for flexibility trading on intraday and day-ahead markets.

Virtual power plant for optimal marketing of flexibility

Statkraft uses our Virtual Power Plant for flexibility trading in UK, thus contributing to the efficient integration of renewable energies.

The energy supply for this cold store in Cuxhaven is controlled by the Virtual Power Plant.

In the project eTelligence our Virtual Power Plant bundled electricity from renewable energy plants and placed it on the power market as a tradable product.

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