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Substation is a European-wide research project which developed decision tools for grid operators and electricity providers in order to physically integrate the fluctuating wind energy input into the power grid as well as the energy market in an optimal manner. Over 20 international partners from science and industry were participating in the project which was concluded in June 2011.

Wind Power Prediction Previento

As the developer of the Previento wind power predictor, energy & meteo systems worked as an interface between academic facilities and the end-users, predominantly large grid operators and energy providers. In this context, we worked on development of the individual decision tools, as interface manager for the end-user and on the evaluation and monitoring of demonstration tools in order to evaluate the usefulness of the applications.

We successfully implemented an tool for the Oldenburg energy provider EWE, which predicts the utilized capacity of electric power substations by taking the wind energy input into account. für EWE installiert

Seit November 2009 liefert das auf Basis von Previento Auslastungsprognosen für 23 Umspannwerke im EWE-Gebiet.

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installed for EWE Oldenburg.
Since November 2009 the system delivers capacity predictions for 23 distribution stations in the EWE area.
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