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20 years emsys - music festival

20 years, one goal: 100 % renewable energies!

Last Friday, we celebrated our 20th birthday together with our employees, their families and some of our companions at a wonderful music festival in our garden.

We started on 1 June 2004 with the aim of supporting the integration of renewable energies and thus enabling a climate-friendly energy supply. In these 20 years, we have developed pioneering solutions together with our customers and set important milestones for a green energy economy.

Among the more than 300 guests were many companions who have supported us over the years. For example, Igor Waldl, the original doctoral supervisor of Ulrich Focken and Matthias Lange, who brought the two later company founders together in his energy meteorology working group in the first place and focused on the topic of wind power forecasting.

Bernhard Graeber, then working in electricity trading at EnBW, was also one of the guests of honor. With his serious interest in well-founded wind energy forecasts, he accelerated the pace for a record-breaking company foundation a good 20 years ago: while friends and family set up the new Ikea furniture at night, developed the logo and printed the business cards, the young founders created the first offer just in time for their first customer visit to the freshly furnished office.

"Pragmatic, goal-oriented, flexible and fast" is how Martin Friedrich from MVV summarized the strengths of the emsys team, which now numbers around 200 people. It is impressive to see the market-defining position emsys has achieved both nationally and internationally as today's global market leader with its power forecasts and the Virtual Power Plant.

He and others encouraged us to pursue our goal unwaveringly: to shape the electricity market in such a way that 100 % renewable energies do not remain a vision but become reality.

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